Saturday, July 25, 2009

Planning a Trip by Margot Justes

A while back I had decided to set the third book in Venice. I have always wanted to visit, so it was an easy decision to find a location, especially since the trip will include an extensive visit to Murano. Did I mention I love glass?

So, the trip was planned accordingly-Venice & Murano, but since I was already there, a lovely cruise from Venice to the Greek Islands would be just the ticket.

I fell in love with Santorini, Greece-it is so easy to fall in love-and found a Royal Caribbean cruise that will take me to the islands, among others to Mykonos and Corfu, and of course a stop in Athens where I’ll again I’ll get a chance to see the Acropolis; what an incredible site.

Needing to find a hotel in Venice, I thought it would be easy. Not so. I had specific needs and it did not include taking a second mortgage.

My needs were simple, or so I thought. Something off the beaten path, where the locals reside but walking distance to Piazza San Marco and the tourist frenzy that seems to stick to Venice at all times. At least that is what I read.

Something romantic, intimate, after all A Hotel in Venice needed ambiance and intimacy, and unlike Minola Grey and Peter Riley, I wasn’t willing to pay an exorbitant price.

I think I found just that, the Boscolo Bellini, a converted palace (not so unusual in Venice) on the Grand Canal, in the Cannaregio district but a short walk from Piazza San Marco and all the tourist attractions.

I love to walk, and for me that is the only way to get the pulse of the city. I have no sense of direction and get lost easily, but getting lost is part of the discovery-on the other hand-‘water, water everywhere’-how lost can I get?

I plan on keeping a journal and will share my impressions with you.

Till next time,
Margot Justes
A Hotel in Paris ISBN 978-1-59080-534-3
Art brought her to Paris, then a stranger’s death changes her life.
available on

Saturday, July 18, 2009

Science by Margot Justes

Science or Magic by Margot JustesTo me, science has always been magic; never mind that the universe is rational and can for the most part be explained by physics, math and chemistry. It’s still magic to me.

The periodic table of elements-those squiggly things that I look at and say that’s nice. What is it? When I get an explanation my eyes start to glaze over, sort of when people start talking to me about sports. (Not many do, for that exact reason) Same reaction, except whereas in sports I can figure things and ask myself why bother, so my eyes glaze over anyway.

I really, really try to understand but…must be some kind of chemical reaction in my brain that tells me not to overtax it, because nothing sticks permanently.

There is a point to this blog. Stuck in my story line, I needed a way to solve my mystery and see if it was possible to identify certain properties. I won’t say more-because it’s part of the process of solving the mystery in A Hotel in Bath-suffice to say I needed to identify a process and by using that process identify how something was done.

My younger daughter is a scientist so I asked for help. I wanted it to be unusual but true.
And would you believe my daughter and science came to the rescue. Imagine that…I can only say that I will be using a GC-MS (for those of us who do not speak Acronym GC-MS = Gas Chromatograph-Mass Spectrometer)to get the proof. Now I’m unstuck and A Hotel in Bath is moving along nicely.

Did you ever notice that scientists need to learn a whole new language-it’s called- Acronym.

Till next time,
Margot Justes
A Hotel in Paris ISBN 978-1-59080-534-3
Art brought her to Paris, then a stranger’s death changes her life.
available on

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Events by Margot Justes

Authors do events to get their name out there and hope someone somewhere will buy their books.

But by the same token, the events are fun. You meet readers who stop by and chat, other writers hoping to get published and ask for advice and the route to rejection and hopefully, ultimately to publication. The rejection part is very easy.

Even if we don’t sell many books, we may wind up with another event. Hopefully that happened last Sunday. Don’t know for sure-but will keep you posted.

Young Adult author of Ordinary Me - June Sproat read my novella. I just happened to have the manuscript with me on Sunday. Odd that.

At any rate, she read my novella and made some terrific comments, and yes June, the hero does save the day. Thank you very much for reading it.

Today I’m spending the day immersed in Bath-as in A Hotel in Bath. Almost done, really…just some things to iron out and, and I begin my edits in earnest. That is not to say that edits have not been ongoing. They have. It is a continuous writing process, at least for me.

Tomorrow I’ll be at the ALA Conference in McCormick Place and hope to finish my article on Paris.

And since I’m rambling on, I might as well tell you, I’m starting research for book # 3,
going to Venice, Italy in September and of course will be writing travel logs. Guess where they’ll appear? Give up? I think I’ll keep you in suspense a bit longer.

Till next time,
Margot Justes
A Hotel in Paris ISBN 978-1-59080-534-3
Art brought her to Paris, then a stranger’s death changes her life.
available on

Saturday, July 4, 2009

A Rainy day in Arlington Heights by Margot Justes

I spent the day at frontier Days in Arlington Heights, IL-well at least till 4:00 pm-after which I left in the midst of a rain storm.

It rained consistently all afternoon, and even though we had a tent, it got wet and so did we.

June Sproat, Morgan Mandel and I had fun until the rain drops; big, heavy continuous rain drops, as in pouring rain.

We’ll be back tomorrow, when it’s supposed be nice, warm and dry. There is plenty to do for everyone, from pony rides to arts and crafts.

If you’re in the area stop by and say hello.

Till next time,
Margot Justes
A Hotel in Paris ISBN 978-1-59080-534-3
Art brought her to Paris, then a stranger’s death changes her life.
available on