Saturday, October 2, 2010

Paris by Margot Justes

A few times a year, especially in the fall I get an urge to go to Paris and visit old friends. The Winged Victory at the Louvre is by far my favorite piece there. It is magnificent, and perfectly placed, a wide staircase lead you to the masterpiece.

Not to be missed is the Rodin Museum, my ultimate favorite museum.
A glass wall with the backs of the Burghers of Calais greet you as you approach the entrance to the museum. A most remarkable and original enticement to a museum.
The Gates of Hell hail you as you enter and as you leave. And in the meantime you will be a guest in his home and gardens.
Visiting this museum feels like you're meeting old friends and as if Rodin never left, his spirit is still present in every single piece, finished or unfinished.
For me it is one of the most serene places I have ever been to...if you're on your way to Paris do not miss this amazing museum, and please say 'hi' to my old friends.
Till next time,
Margot Justes
A Hotel in Paris


June said...

Nice pictures, Margot. I really like how you set them up. I have never been to Paris, but you make me feel like I am there!

Best, June

Margot Justes said...

Hi June,
Glad you like the pics, I'm ready for Paris anytime.

Margot Justes said...

Hi June,
Glad you like the pics, I'm ready for Paris anytime.