Saturday, February 6, 2010

Operation Paperback by Margot Justes

Did you know that you can ship 'gently used' paperback books to our troops. All the information is on line and it's relatively easy, all you need are books, boxes, tape and a little bit of time.

When I heard about it from my friend Gina, we decided to check it out and see if we could do something. After all, what a terrific idea, the books will be passed around and benefit many.

We started a drive at work and within a week we shipped four boxes, and by Friday afternoon we had enough books for a couple more shipments.

Once you register, you get a set of names and list of preferred genres. We were able to ship sixteen books per box. Because we had actual names of soldiers it became a bit more personal.

I had a lot of fun going through the books and see what people read. We had Ludlum, Patterson, Brown, the usual suspects. But we also had a few classics and mid list authors. A nice rounded selection.

This will be an on-going effort, as long as we have books, we'll ship them out.

Till next time,
Margot Justes
A Hotel in Paris

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